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Very fun platformer! I like that they collide with each other, you could make a level where you need one to be on top of the other in order to pass, I like the mechanic :3

I'm also glad that you already made it possible to skip tutorials. Also even tho there's skipping you might want to speed up the text, that's the main reason it's bothering. The best way for me would be to be possible to skip the animation, and then if I want to skip again the text.

There's few little bugs:
- I guess because my screen is 2560x1440 I can see the sky render in some corners;
- I jumped to the top of the screen on the first trampoline xD I laugued my ass off at that, the  level restart button came in clutch there haha;
- The double jump doesn't work everytime if you cast it too far from the ground/too late after first jump.

Anyway it's a jam, games are full of bugs but thought of telling you so that you know! ^^ Thanks for the game!


thanks for the pointers, will take a look at your points here ;)


very nice game! I liked a lot the visuals and how you implemented them in your project. The game works well, but I've got a little advice for you: the UI is a bit too small. Info about life points and how many switches you need to reach are essential for the player, and I've seen the only after the third level. Btw great job, also the music is chill and helps you to stay focused while your trying to solve the puzzles

Thanks for the playing and the info. Indeed it needs to be worked on more.

It would be nice to be able to move around during the tutorial on the first two levels. Better yet, perhaps being able to turn off the tutorial completely could be an option?

Any time I restart the game, having to wait all of that time is boring.


makes sense, will make it skippable, thanks!

Thank you for listening!
So far I'm really enjoying the game. It's hard, but not frustrating. That a troublesome line to walk in games like this. :)

Indeed sometimes it is too much. Thanks for playing. I uploaded a new version where you can press "Enter" to skip any and all dialogs.


oh, heck yeah! This instantly makes the game a '5 stars' game for me.

Being able to jump in so fast is super fun :D


Great to hear ;) Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated